Sunday, 19 May 2013

Episode 10: A Deadline Approches

So wow! Things have been going full steam at the mo!
Today is the deadline for our 3D Character Animation Assignment 2. We have to hand in our character textured and rigged ready to weight next week!!
So this past couple of weeks I've been frantically trying to unwrap and paint my character. Luckily for me we did the majority of the rigging in class.

On top of that we have started doing some experiments with the final footage for the 3rd Year Group Project. In short they are looking banging!
I'm also submitting for fresh shorts funding which has absorbed the rest of my limited time. But It's all coming together!

So I'll put some shots of the texturing up!
The modelling getting close
Checker City, nearly ready to paint.

This was the 1st slap on of all the painted textures but no bumps.

Here is the hand in texture, bumped model. Still maybe some fine tuning after I get some feedback.

Here is a Close Up on the hand in model.

Yea so bring on the weighting! 

So this weeks link.... "Obsolete" from Smoking Robot  

Stunning use of light and texture to convey story and emotion.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Episode 9: The Micro Wars

So been a while since my last post! one word slack. But I've been battling time most of all, which has finally caught up and I crashed hard end of last week. The most time spent from my previous post would have been on the shoot of the 3rd year group project! I came on board to help as a 2nd AD due to the large number of extras. Really enjoyed my time on set and feel like the films going to be awesome!

Just a little worried about the amount of times it was asked on set "You animators can paint that out ah?"
I guess we will find out over the next few weeks!!

The other time was spent on 3 photography shoots for fly fishing which is paid work so pretty happy about.
But made it difficult to juggle my 3D character assignment!

So today I'm going to finish the modelling! Ready to start unwrapping.

I've finished modeling the Staff and Mandrake just need to texture them. I had a play with the staff just using maya defaults.

I did manage to make my animatic over the break so here is my link for the week.....enjoy

A Quest For Knowledge - Mandrake Madness

password: mandrake